Book an Online Interview with one of our Tibb Doctors:

Holistic Tibb Approach
Temperamental Evaluation
Lifestyle Assessment & Management
Personalised Lifestyle Programme
One on one discussion with qualified and experienced Tibb Practitioner

COST: R180.00 (Approx. $10)

Any queries or technical issues can be emailed to:

The Tibb Online Interview is intended for anyone who is unable to physically consult at our Tibb Treatment Center in Cape Town or a local Tibb Practitioner



To streamline and gain maximum benefit from the interview session, the individual needs to be aware of the concepts in Tibb, and therefore we recommend first completing our etibb course – Tibb Healthy Living (Tibb Online Interview is included after successful completion of the course).


Alternatively, please read a brief overview of the holistic approach of Tibb found in our Tibb Treatment Flyer.

Tibb Online Interview Process

  • Prior to your Tibb Online Interview, you are required to complete both a Temperamental Evaluation and a Lifestyle Assessment. This will assist in determining your temperamental combination and provide an overview of which lifestyle factors are contributing to disturbing the homeostasis within the body and causative in the development of imbalances.
  • During the Tibb Online Interviewsession we will be able to confirm your temperamental combination and provide Lifestyle Management as per the outcome of the interview. We will then discuss in more detail your Personalised Lifestyle Program based on your temperamental combination.
  • Should you require any additional supportive treatment, we will recommend booking a consultation at the Tibb Treatment Centre or with a local Tibb practitioner.
  • Please complete each tab which will guide you through the temperamental evaluation, lifestyle assessment, and booking
  • Please note*
    • All information submitted will be handled with confidentiality
    • Booking dates and times are in Local South African Time and are subject to availability

Temperament is a combination of a person’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual side. Although each person is as unique as his/her fingerprint, Tibb divides people into four broad categories, Sanguinous, Phlegmatic, Melancholic and Bilious with respective qualities of heat, coldness, moistness, and dryness. Whilst each person has attributes of all four temperamental types, every person has a dominant temperament, a sub-dominant temperament, less of the third and the least amount of the fourth temperament.

The picture adjacent describes temperament and qualities and illustrates that a person with a combination of a Sanguinous/Bilious temperament will have an overall dominant quality of heat less of moistness and dryness and the least amount of coldness. Similarly, the Phlegmatic/Melancholic temperament will have an overall dominant quality of coldness, less of moistness and dryness and the least amount of heat.

Therefore, each individual has an overall qualitative state made-up of the four qualities with one dominant quality and an opposite least quality. Changes to this ideal qualitative state of an individual especially an increase in the dominant quality will have a negative effect on the individual’s health whereas an increase in the opposite least quality will be beneficial.

As heat is the dominant quality associated with the Sanguinous/Bilious combination, an excess of heat will negatively affect this individual the most and to the greatest extent. Similarly, an excess of coldness will negatively affect an individual with a Phlegmatic/Melancholic temperamental combination. This is easy to understand knowing that a person with a Sanguinous/Bilious temperament is uncomfortable during summer and having spicy foods whereas the Phlegmatic/Melancholic person needs an extra jersey to keep warm during winter.

Being aware of the dominant quality of a person’s temperamental combination allows individuals to make positive choices in lifestyle that will be beneficial to their health with an improved Quality of Life. The practice of Tibb revolves around the art and skill of identifying a person’s individual temperamental combination and adhering to a Personalised Lifestyle Programme for optimum health and wellbeing.

Having provided the above information about the four temperamental types, listed below is a table that can be completed, to identifying an individual’s or your dominant and sub-dominant temperament. When completing the table, the following needs to be noted:

  • Remember each person is a combination of all four temperaments, with a dominant/sub-dominant temperament – next to each other.
  • Physical appearance should be as in the early 20’s – as age and certain medication (cortisone) can change physical appearance.
  • Do not confuse habits with tendencies. Certain habits may be acquired due to circumstances.
  • Personality and Emotional traits are important criteria and should be noted whilst being relaxed, and also how friends and family members see and know you.
  • When determining your temperament, base it on how you really are and not how you wish you were.
  • Please provide an answer for each specific category, choosing the single best answer for your temperament.
  • The column containing the most ticks is the dominant temperament whereas the column with the second most ticks will be the sub-dominant temperament.
Temperamental Evaluation Form

Temperamental Evaluation Form

Please provide an answer for every category, choosing the single best option for your temperament











*Please note:
The column with the most ticks is your dominant temperament & the column with the second most ticks is your sub-dominant temperament
Lifestyle Assessment Form

Lifestyle Assessment Form

Dominant Temperament
Sub-Dominant Temperament

Personalised Lifestyle Programme:


As dryness is the dominant quality associated with your temperamental combination, an increase in dryness from the Six Lifestyle Factors will negatively affect you to the greatest extent. An increase in heat and coldness will also affect you, but to a lesser extent, whereas an increase in the quality of moistness will have the least negative effect on you.

An increase in dryness  can be as a result of:

summer very hot weather and environment
late winter dry food and drink
anger strenuous exercise
grief irregular elimination of wastes
not enough sleep

The illnesses that this combination are inclined to are those associated with the dominant Bilious Temperament:

Migraine Stress
Bronchitis Overactive thyroid
Hay fever Endometriosis

To a lesser extent this combination will also be inclined to illnesses of the Melancholic  Temperament:

Insomnia Osteo-arthritis
Hyperacidity Constipation
Muscle aches/spasms Flatulence

Health Promotion for this temperamental combination

As dryness is the dominant quality associated with your temperamental combination an excess of dryness in each of the lifestyle factors will have a negative effect on you.

Food and Drink

Ideally your combination should eat mostly Cold & Moist foods, followed by Hot & Moist foods, less of Cold & Dry foods, and the least amount of Hot & Dry foods.

Listed below are the four different diet charts

Additional dietary advice:

  • Stick to the above diet especially in summer and spring.
  • Drink at least 2-3 litres (8-12 glasses) of water per day.
  • Avoid refined foods.
  • Eat simply and avoid eating lots of different types of foods in the same meal.
  • If you are emotional or upset, sit down, take a few deep breaths or drink a glass of water.

Environmental Air & Breathing

  • Fresh air and a cool, properly ventilates environment are most ideal.

  • Recommended breathing exercises include the Tibb Deep Rhythmic breathing, the Tibb Mental/Emotional breathing and the Tibb Slow and Deep breathing exercises:

The Tibb Deep Rhythmic Breathing Exercise

This exercise is prescribed for all temperamental types. Try doing it on a regular basis, preferably in the early morning.

  • Select a protected time and space.
  • Sit on the floor in a squatting position with hands on thighs or in the ‘lotus’ position, keeping a straight back in both cases. If neither position is possible, then lie on the floor or sit in a comfortable chair,
  • Draw a breath through the nose.
  • Hold the breath as long as possible.
  • Gaze upwards, and exhale forcefully through the mouth – the mouth should be opened in an
    ‘O’ shape.
  • Repeat to a maximum of 15 times

The Tibb Mental/Emotional Breathing Exercise

This exercise is also prescribed for all temperamental types. It creates harmony in the two hemispheres of the brain. Do this exercise early in the morning or late afternoon.

  • Select a protected time and space, free from interruptions.
  • Sit on the floor in a squatting position with hands on thighs or in the ‘lotus’ position, keeping a straight back in both cases. If neither position is possible, then lie on the floor or sit in a comfortable chair,
  • Your right index finger should be used to close the left nostril. Take a long, deep breath through your right nostril, and hold for 15 to 20 seconds,
  • Release the finger closing the nostril and close the right nostril with the right thumb.
  • Breathe out through the left nostril forcefully. This counts as one complete breath.
  • Repeat the same process starting with the opposite nostril.
  • Start by doing 5 breaths, and slowly build up to 10;
  • After completing the exercise, rest for at least 5 minutes in the same position.

Tibb Slow and Deep Breathing exercise

This exercise has a calming effect and therefore is ideal in meditation exercises for all temperamental types, especially for people with a dominant/sub-dominant bilious temperament.

  • Sit on the floor in a squatting position with your hands on your thighs or in the ‘lotus’ position, keeping a straight back in both cases. If neither position is possible, then lie on the floor or sit in a comfortable chair,

  • Close your eyes focus on breathing.

  • Take slow and deep breaths, breathing in and out through the nose, distending and filling the stomach.

  • Continue breathing this way for 5 minutes.

Physical Exercise

  • Excessive movement and strenuous exercise is not advisable.

  • Exercise in the early morning and late afternoon.

  • Yoga is advisable.

  • Include in the choice of physical exercise, the Tibb Walking Exercise:

The Tibb Walking Exercise

  • Warm up by walking normally, swinging the your gently. Do this for about 2 minutes initially.

  • Then walk briskly, raising your legs and swinging your arms firmly. Do this for about 5 minutes.

  • Cool down by walking normally, as in the warmup. Do this for about 2 minutes.

  • Do these exercises daily, but each week increase the amount of time you spend doing them until you reach a maximum of 25 minutes per session.


  • A good night’s sleep of 6-8 hours’ is advisable.

  • Lack of sleep (less than five hours on a continuous basis) and late nights will negatively affect you.

Emotions & Feelings

  • Extreme emotions – excessive worries, sadness, loneliness and overly philosophical thinking are the emotional excesses of this temperamental combination and should be managed with breathing and meditation exercises.

  • A 5-10-minute relaxation break after lunch is beneficial.

  • The following meditation exercises are advised together with the Tibb Slow and Deep Breathing exercise, the Tibb Heart Meditation Exercise and the Tibb Pineal Body Meditation Exercise.

The Tibb Slow and Deep Breathing Exercise

This exercise has a calming effect and therefore is ideal in meditation exercises for all temperamental types, especially for people with a dominant/sub-dominant bilious temperament.

  • Sit on the floor in a squatting positions with hands on thighs or in the ‘lotus’ position, keeping a straight back in both cases. If neither position is possible, then lie on the floor or sit in a comfortable chair.
  • Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
  • Take slow and deep breaths, breathing out through the nose, distending and filling the stomach.
  • Continue breathing this way for 5 minutes.

The Tibb Heart Meditation

  • Sit in a relaxed state in a calm environment, with your eyes closed.
  • Concentrate on the heart and breathe deeply.
  • Hold breath for a while and breathe out slowly in the same manner.
  • Continue this exercise every day and night before going to bed, for 10 – 15 minutes.

The Tibb Pineal Body Meditation

  • Sit in a relaxed state, in a calm environment, with eyes closed.
  • Concentrate on the area between the eyebrows and breathe in deeply
  • Hold the breath for a while and breathe out slowly in the same manner
  • Repeat this exercise for 10 -15 minutes



  • Laxatives should be considered.

  • A regular high-fibre diet should be adopted to keep the colon clear.


As heat is the dominant quality associated with your temperamental combination, an increase in heat from the Six Lifestyle Factors will negatively affect you to the greatest extent. An increase in moistness and dryness will also affect you, but to a lesser extent, whereas an increase in the quality of coldness will have the least negative effect on you.

An increase in heat can be as a result of:


very hot weather and environment

hot food and drink


strenuous exercise

not enough sleep

The illnesses that this combination are inclined to are those associated with the dominant Bilious Temperament:

Migraine Stress


Overactive thyroid
Hay fever


To a lesser extent this combination will also be inclined to illnesses of the Sanguinois Temperament:

Congestive headache

High blood pressure


 Urinary tract infection
Rheumatoid arthritis Pre-menstrual tension.

Health Maintenance through the Lifestyle Factors of Tibb

Good health is achieved by maintaining your ideal temperament. An excess of heat in each of the lifestyle factors will most negatively affect you, faster than changes in the other qualities. You need to be aware of this at all times and control the level of heat in your body.

Food and Drink

Ideally your combination should eat mostly Cold & Moist foods, followed by Cold & Dry foods, less of Hot & Moist foods, and the least amount of Hot & Dry foods.

Listed below are the four different diet charts

Additional dietary advice:

  • Stick to the above diet especially in summer and spring.
  • This is also an optimal diet if you live in coastal areas.
  • Drink at least 2-3 litres (8-12 glasses) of water per day.
  • Avoid refined foods.
  • Eat simply and avoid eating a lot of different types of foods in the same meal.
  • When emotional or upset, sit down, take a few deep breaths or drink a glass of water.

Environmental Air & Breathing

  • Fresh air and a cool, properly ventilated environment are most ideal.
  • Avoid exposure to the sun, or hot climates.
  • During summer especially it is important to keep cool at all the times.
  • Air-conditioners are acceptable.
  • Recommended breathing exercises include Tibb Deep Rhythmic breathing, the Tibb Mental/Emotional breathing exercise, the Tibb Slow and Deep breathing exercises:

The Tibb Deep Rhythmic Breathing Exercise

This exercise is prescribed for all temperamental types. Try doing it on a regular basis, preferably in the early morning.

  • Select a protected time and space.
  • Sit on the floor in a squatting position with hands on thighs or in the ‘lotus’ position, keeping a straight back in both cases. If neither position is possible, then lie on the floor or sit in a comfortable chair,
  • Draw a breath through the nose.
  • Hold the breath as long as possible.
  • Gaze upwards, and exhale forcefully through the mouth – the mouth should be opened in an ‘O’ shape.
  • Repeat to a maximum of 15 times

The Tibb Mental/Emotional Breathing Exercise

This exercise is also prescribed for all temperamental types. It creates harmony in the two hemispheres of the brain. Do this exercise early in the morning or late afternoon.

  • Select a protected time and space, free from interruptions.
  • Sit on the floor in a squatting position with hands on thighs or in the ‘lotus’ position, keeping a straight back in both cases. If neither position is possible, then lie on the floor or sit in a comfortable chair,
  • Your right index finger should be used to close the left nostril. Take a long, deep breath through your right nostril, and hold for 15 to 20 seconds,
  • Release the finger closing the nostril and close the right nostril with the right thumb.
  • Breathe out through the left nostril forcefully. This counts as one complete breath.
  • Repeat the same process starting with the opposite nostril.
  • Start by doing 5 breaths, and slowly build up to 10;
  • After completing the exercise, rest for at least 5 minutes in the same position.

The Tibb Slow and Deep Breathing Exercise

This exercise has a calming effect and therefore is ideal in meditation exercises for all temperamental types, especially for people with a dominant/sub-dominant bilious temperament.

  • Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
  • Take slow and deep breaths, breathing out through the nose, distending and filling the stomach.
  • Continue breathing this way for 5 minutes.

Physical Exercise

  • Excessive movement and strenuous exercise is not advisable.
  • Exercises in the early morning and late afternoon.
  • Yoga is advised.
  • Include in your choice of physical exercise, the Tibb Walking Exercise:

The Tibb Walking Exercise

  • This is a gentle exercise recommended for all temperamental types. It can be done anywhere – in a small room or outdoors. If safety or space concerns exist, as may be the case with elderly people, then you may ‘walk on the spot’ for the same periods of time.
  • Warm up by walking normally, swinging the arms gently. Do this for about 2 minutes initially.
  • Then walk briskly, raising the legs and swinging the arms firmly. Do this for about 5 minutes.
  • Then cool down by walking normally, as in the warmup. Do this for about 2 minutes.
  • Do these exercises daily but increasing the time for each session weekly to a maximum of 25 minutes per session.


  • A good night’s sleep for 6-8 hours is advisable.
  • Lack of sleep (less than five hours on a continuous basis) and late nights will negatively affect you.

Emotions & Feelings

  • Extreme emotions of anger, excitability, irritability, excessive speech and suppression of anger are the emotional excesses of your temperamental combination and should be management managed with breathing and meditation exercises.
  • A 5 -10-minute relaxation break after lunch is beneficial.
  • The following meditation exercises are advised together with the Tibb Slow and Deep Breathing exercise, the Tibb Heart Meditation exercise and the Tibb Pineal Body Meditation Exercise.

The Tibb Slow and Deep Breathing Exercise

This exercise has a calming effect and therefore is ideal in meditation exercises for all temperamental types, especially for people with a dominant/sub-dominant bilious temperament.

  • Sit on the floor in a squatting positions with hands on thighs or in the ‘lotus’ position, keeping a straight back in both cases. If neither position is possible, then lie on the floor or sit in a comfortable chair.
  • Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
  • Take slow and deep breaths, breathing out through the nose, distending and filling the stomach.
  • Continue breathing this way for 5 minutes.

The Tibb Heart Meditation

  • Sit in a relaxed state in a calm environment, with your eyes closed.
  • Put the head down, close the eyes, concentrate on the heart and breathe in deeply.
  • Hold breath for a while and breathe out slowly in the same manner.
  • Continue this exercise every day and night before going to bed, for 10 – 15 minutes.

The Tibb Pineal Body Meditation

  • Sit in a relaxed state in a calm environment, with your eyes closed.
  • Concentrate on the area between the eyebrows and breathe deeply.
  • Hold breath for a while and breathe out slowly in the same manner.
  • Continue this exercise for 10 – 15 minutes.


As heat is the dominant quality associated with your temperamental combination, an increase in heat from the Six Lifestyle Factors will negatively affect you to the greatest extent. An increase in moistness and dryness will also affect you, but to a lesser extent, whereas an increase in the quality of coldness will have the least negative effect on you.

An increase in heat can be as a result of:


very hot weather and environment

hot food and drink


strenuous exercise

not enough sleep

The illnesses that this combination are inclined to are those associated with the dominant Bilious Temperament:

Migraine Stress


Overactive thyroid
Hay fever


To a lesser extent this combination will also be inclined to illnesses of the Sanguinois Temperament:

Congestive headache

High blood pressure


 Urinary tract infection
Rheumatoid arthritis Pre-menstrual tension.

Health Maintenance through the Lifestyle Factors of Tibb

Good health is achieved by maintaining your ideal temperament. An excess of heat in each of the lifestyle factors will most negatively affect you, faster than changes in the other qualities. You need to be aware of this at all times and control the level of heat in your body.

Food and Drink

Ideally your combination should eat mostly Cold & Moist foods, followed by Cold & Dry foods, less of Hot & Moist foods, and the least amount of Hot & Dry foods.

Listed below are the four different diet charts

Additional dietary advice:

  • Stick to the above diet especially in summer and spring.
  • This is also an optimal diet if you live in coastal areas.
  • Drink at least 2-3 litres (8-12 glasses) of water per day.
  • Avoid refined foods.
  • Eat simply and avoid eating a lot of different types of foods in the same meal.
  • When emotional or upset, sit down, take a few deep breaths or drink a glass of water.

Environmental Air & Breathing

  • Fresh air and a cool, properly ventilated environment are most ideal.
  • Avoid exposure to the sun, or hot climates.
  • During summer especially it is important to keep cool at all the times.
  • Air-conditioners are acceptable.
  • Recommended breathing exercises include Tibb Deep Rhythmic breathing, the Tibb Mental/Emotional breathing exercise, the Tibb Slow and Deep breathing exercises:

The Tibb Deep Rhythmic Breathing Exercise

This exercise is prescribed for all temperamental types. Try doing it on a regular basis, preferably in the early morning.

  • Select a protected time and space.
  • Sit on the floor in a squatting position with hands on thighs or in the ‘lotus’ position, keeping a straight back in both cases. If neither position is possible, then lie on the floor or sit in a comfortable chair,
  • Draw a breath through the nose.
  • Hold the breath as long as possible.
  • Gaze upwards, and exhale forcefully through the mouth – the mouth should be opened in an ‘O’ shape.
  • Repeat to a maximum of 15 times

The Tibb Mental/Emotional Breathing Exercise

This exercise is also prescribed for all temperamental types. It creates harmony in the two hemispheres of the brain. Do this exercise early in the morning or late afternoon.

  • Select a protected time and space, free from interruptions.
  • Sit on the floor in a squatting position with hands on thighs or in the ‘lotus’ position, keeping a straight back in both cases. If neither position is possible, then lie on the floor or sit in a comfortable chair,
  • Your right index finger should be used to close the left nostril. Take a long, deep breath through your right nostril, and hold for 15 to 20 seconds,
  • Release the finger closing the nostril and close the right nostril with the right thumb.
  • Breathe out through the left nostril forcefully. This counts as one complete breath.
  • Repeat the same process starting with the opposite nostril.
  • Start by doing 5 breaths, and slowly build up to 10;
  • After completing the exercise, rest for at least 5 minutes in the same position.

The Tibb Slow and Deep Breathing Exercise

This exercise has a calming effect and therefore is ideal in meditation exercises for all temperamental types, especially for people with a dominant/sub-dominant bilious temperament.

  • Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
  • Take slow and deep breaths, breathing out through the nose, distending and filling the stomach.
  • Continue breathing this way for 5 minutes.

Physical Exercise

  • Excessive movement and strenuous exercise is not advisable.
  • Exercises in the early morning and late afternoon.
  • Yoga is advised.
  • Include in your choice of physical exercise, the Tibb Walking Exercise:

The Tibb Walking Exercise

  • This is a gentle exercise recommended for all temperamental types. It can be done anywhere – in a small room or outdoors. If safety or space concerns exist, as may be the case with elderly people, then you may ‘walk on the spot’ for the same periods of time.
  • Warm up by walking normally, swinging the arms gently. Do this for about 2 minutes initially.
  • Then walk briskly, raising the legs and swinging the arms firmly. Do this for about 5 minutes.
  • Then cool down by walking normally, as in the warmup. Do this for about 2 minutes.
  • Do these exercises daily but increasing the time for each session weekly to a maximum of 25 minutes per session.


  • A good night’s sleep for 6-8 hours is advisable.
  • Lack of sleep (less than five hours on a continuous basis) and late nights will negatively affect you.

Emotions & Feelings

  • Extreme emotions of anger, excitability, irritability, excessive speech and suppression of anger are the emotional excesses of your temperamental combination and should be management managed with breathing and meditation exercises.
  • A 5 -10-minute relaxation break after lunch is beneficial.
  • The following meditation exercises are advised together with the Tibb Slow and Deep Breathing exercise, the Tibb Heart Meditation exercise and the Tibb Pineal Body Meditation Exercise.

The Tibb Slow and Deep Breathing Exercise

This exercise has a calming effect and therefore is ideal in meditation exercises for all temperamental types, especially for people with a dominant/sub-dominant bilious temperament.

  • Sit on the floor in a squatting positions with hands on thighs or in the ‘lotus’ position, keeping a straight back in both cases. If neither position is possible, then lie on the floor or sit in a comfortable chair.
  • Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
  • Take slow and deep breaths, breathing out through the nose, distending and filling the stomach.
  • Continue breathing this way for 5 minutes.

The Tibb Heart Meditation

  • Sit in a relaxed state in a calm environment, with your eyes closed.
  • Put the head down, close the eyes, concentrate on the heart and breathe in deeply.
  • Hold breath for a while and breathe out slowly in the same manner.
  • Continue this exercise every day and night before going to bed, for 10 – 15 minutes.

The Tibb Pineal Body Meditation

  • Sit in a relaxed state in a calm environment, with your eyes closed.
  • Concentrate on the area between the eyebrows and breathe deeply.
  • Hold breath for a while and breathe out slowly in the same manner.
  • Continue this exercise for 10 – 15 minutes.


  • A regular high-fibre diet should be adopted to keep your colon clear.
  • Laxatives should be considered.


  • A regular high-fibre diet should be adopted to keep your colon clear.
  • Laxatives should be considered.


As moistness is the dominant quality associated with your temperamental combination, an increase in moistness from the Six Lifestyle Factors will negatively affect you to the greatest extent. An increase in heat and coldness will also affect you, but to a lesser extent, whereas an increase in the quality of dryness will have the least negative effect on you.

An increase in moistness can be as a result of:

Rainy season  humid environmental and weather
excessive sleep and rest depression and fear
lack of exercise Hot and moist to cold and moist food & drink

The illnesses that this combination are inclined to are those associated with the dominant Sanguinous Temperament:

Congestive headache High blood pressure
Diabetes Urinary tract infection
Rheumatoid arthritis Pre-menstrual tension.

To a lesser extent this combination will also be inclined to illnesses of the Phlegmatic Temperament:

Asthma (Phlegmatic) Colds & Flu
Sinusitis  Anaemia
Underactive thyroid Polycystic ovarian syndrome

Health Maintenance through the Lifestyle Factors of Tibb

Good health is achieved by maintaining your ideal temperament. An excess of moistness in each of the lifestyle factors will negatively affect you more than other conditions. You need to be aware of this at all times and control the level of moistness in your body.

Food and Drink

Ideally your combination should eat mostly Cold & Dry foods, followed by Hot & Dry foods, less of Cold & Moist foods, and the least amount of Hot & Moist foods.

Listed below are the four different diet charts

Additional dietary advice:

  • Stick to the above diet especially in autumn, rainy weather, during winter and in coastal areas.
  • Avoid drinking water, cool drinks or juices during meals. If you have to, drink very little.
    Preferably drink liquids half an hour before meals OR 1 hour after meals.
  • Drink at least 2 litres (8 glasses) of water a day.
  • Avoid refined foods.
  • Eat simply and avoid eating a lot of different types of foods in the same meal.
  • A 20-30 minute brisk walk every day is very beneficial.
  • Avoid foods and drinks containing salt as well as fried and processed meats.
  • If you are emotional or upset, sit down, take a few deep breaths or drink a glass of water.

Environmental Air & Breathing

  •  Keep cool in hot weather and warm in wet weather.
  • Weather, environment, work and leisure activities that increase heat and moistness -especially in humid weather will have a negative effect.
  • Recommended breathing exercises include the Tibb Deep Rhythmic breathing, the Tibb Mental/Emotional breathing and the Tibb Slow and Deep breathing exercises:

The Tibb Deep Rhythmic Breathing Exercise

This exercise is prescribed for all temperamental types. Try doing it on a regular basis, preferably in the early morning.

  • Select a protected time and space.
  • Sit on the floor in a squatting position with hands on thighs or in the ‘lotus’ position, keeping a straight back in both cases. If neither position is possible, then lie on the floor or sit in a comfortable chair,
  • Draw a breath through the nose.
  • Hold the breath as long as possible.
  • Gaze upwards, and exhale forcefully through the mouth – the mouth should be opened in an ‘O’ shape.
  • Repeat to a maximum of 15 times

The Tibb Mental/Emotional Breathing Exercise

This exercise is also prescribed for all temperamental types. It creates harmony in the two hemispheres of the brain. Do this exercise early in the morning or late afternoon.

  • Select a protected time and space, free from interruptions.
  • Sit on the floor in a squatting position with hands on thighs or in the ‘lotus’ position, keeping a straight back in both cases. If neither position is possible, then lie on the floor or sit in a comfortable chair,
  • Your right index finger should be used to close the left nostril. Take a long, deep breath through your right nostril, and hold for 15 to 20 seconds,
  • Release the finger closing the nostril and close the right nostril with the right thumb.
  • Breathe out through the left nostril forcefully. This counts as one complete breath.
  • Repeat the same process starting with the opposite nostril.
  • Start by doing 5 breaths, and slowly build up to 10;
  • After completing the exercise, rest for at least 5 minutes in the same position.

The Tibb Slow and Deep Breathing Exercise

This exercise has a calming effect and therefore is ideal in meditation exercises for all temperamental types, especially for people with a dominant/sub-dominant bilious temperament.

  • Sit on the floor in a squatting positions with hands on thighs or in the ‘lotus’ position, keeping a straight back in both cases. If neither position is possible, then lie on the floor or sit in a comfortable chair.
  • Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
  • Take slow and deep breaths, breathing out through the nose, distending and filling the stomach.
  • Continue breathing this way for 5 minutes.

Physical Exercise

  • A 10-15-minute walk after supper is beneficial.

  • Include in the choice of physical exercises, the Tibb Walking Exercise and the Tibb Jogging Exercise:

The Tibb Walking Exercise

  • Warm up by walking normally, swinging the arms gently. Do this for about 2 minutes initially.
  • Then walk briskly, raising the legs and swinging the arms firmly. Do this for about 5 minutes.
  • Then cool down by walking normally, as in the warmup. Do this for about 2 minutes.
  • Do these exercises daily but increasing the time for each session weekly to a maximum of 25 minutes per session.

The Tibb Jogging Exercise

  • Jogging is more intense than walking. It will therefore produce more heat (and dryness) than walking. This exercise is more suited to Phlegmatic and Sanguinous temperaments.
  • Jog on the spot, lifting the knees as high as possible, putting the weight only on the balls of the feet – (prancing). At the same time swing arms in a full circular motion.
  • Start by doing this for 30 seconds building up to 5 minutes.
  • Increase gradually by 30 seconds, to a maximum of 10 minutes per session.


  • Six to seven hours sound sleep is essential. Early to bed and early to rise is best for everyone but especially for the dominant Sanguinous temperament.
  • Sleeping more than 8 hours or less than 5 hours a night will negatively affect you.

Emotions & Feelings

  • Extreme emotions of worry, anger and excessive excitement are the emotional excesses of your temperamental combination and should be managed with breathing and meditation exercises.
  • A 5 -10-minute relaxation break after lunch is beneficial.
  • The following meditation exercises are advised together with the Tibb Slow and Deep Breathing exercise, the Tibb Heart Meditation Exercise and the Tibb Pineal Body Meditation Exercise.

The Tibb Slow and Deep Breathing Exercise

Select a protected time and space, free from interruptions. This exercise has a cooling effect, so is ideal for people with a bilious or sanguinous temperament.

  • Sit on the floor in a squatting positions with hands on thighs or in the ‘lotus’ position, keeping a straight back in both cases. If neither position is possible, then lie on the floor or sit in a comfortable chair.
  • Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
  • Take slow and deep breaths, breathing out through the nose, distending and filling the stomach.
  • Continue breathing this way for 5 minutes.

The Tibb Heart Meditation

  • Sit in a relaxed state in a calm environment, with your eyes closed.
  • Put your head down, close your eyes, concentrate on the heart and breathe in deeply.
  • Hold breath for a while and breathe out slowly in the same manner.
  • Continue this exercise every day and night before going to bed, for 10 – 15 minutes.

The Tibb Pineal Body Meditation

  • Sit in a relaxed state in a calm environment, with your eyes closed.
  • Concentrate on the area between the eyebrows and breathe deeply.
  • Hold breath for a while and breathe out slowly in the same manner.
  • Continue this exercise for 10 – 15 minutes.


  • A regular high-fibre diet should be adopted to keep your colon clear.
  • Laxatives should be considered.
  • Cupping or blood donation 2-3 times a year reduces the excess blood dominance in a Sanguinous person. This is preferable in summer or spring.


As moistness is the dominant quality associated with your temperamental combination, an increase in moistness from the Six Lifestyle Factors will negatively affect you to the greatest extent. An increase in heat and coldness will also affect you, but to a lesser extent, whereas an increase in the quality of dryness will have the least negative effect on you.

An increase in moistness can be as a result of:

Early winter cold environment
Rainy season humid environment and weather
Cold and moist food and drink depression and fear
Excessive sleep and rest  lack of exercise

The illnesses that this combination are inclined to are those associated with the dominant Phlegmatic Temperament:

Asthma (Phlegmatic) Colds & Flu
Sinusitis  Anaemia
Underactive thyroid Polycystic ovarian syndrome

To a lesser extent this combination will also be inclined to illnesses of the Sanguinous  Temperament:

Congestive headache High blood pressure
Diabetes Urinary tract infection
Rheumatoid arthritis Pre-menstrual tension.

Health Maintenance through the Lifestyle Factors of Tibb

Good health is achieved by maintaining your ideal temperament. An excess of moistness in each of the lifestyle factors will most negatively affect you and affect you quicker than any of the other factors. You need to be aware of this at all times and control the level of moistness in your body.

Food and Drink

Ideally your combination should eat mostly Hot & Dry foods, followed by Cold & Dry foods, less of Hot & Moist foods, and the least amount of Cold & Moist foods.

Listed below are the four different diet charts

Additional dietary advice:

  • Stick to the above diet especially in autumn, rainy weather, during winter and in coastal areas.
  • Avoid drinking water, cool drinks or juices during meals. If you have to, drink very little.
    Preferably drink liquids half an hour before meals OR 1 hour after meals.
  • Drink at least 2 litres (8 glasses) of water a day.
  • Avoid refined foods.
  • Eat simply and avoid eating a lot of different types of foods in the same meal.
  • A 20-30 minute brisk walk every day is very beneficial.
  • Avoid foods and drinks containing salt as well as fried and processed meats.
  • If you are emotional or upset, sit down, take a few deep breaths or drink a glass of water.

Environmental Air & Breathing

  • Weather, environment, work and leisure activities that increase cold and moistness – will negatively affect you.

  • Because of the low heat, phlegmatic people are particularly vulnerable to a cold environment as well as cold and rainy weather.

  • Heat management by wearing appropriate clothing and seeking a warm environment during cold and rainy times is of utmost importance.

  • The bedroom may be heated electrically, with an electric blanket when needed.

  • Recommended breathing exercises include the Tibb Deep Rhythmic breathing, the Tibb Mental/Emotional breathing and the Tibb Fast and Deep breathing exercises:

The Tibb Deep Rhythmic Breathing Exercise

This exercise is prescribed for all temperamental types. Try doing it on a regular basis, preferably in the early morning.

  • Select a protected time and space.
  • Sit on the floor in a squatting position with hands on thighs or in the ‘lotus’ position, keeping a straight back in both cases. If neither position is possible, then lie on the floor or sit in a comfortable chair,
  • Draw a breath through the nose.
  • Hold the breath as long as possible.
  • Gaze upwards, and exhale forcefully through the mouth – the mouth should be opened in an ‘O’ shape.
  • Repeat to a maximum of 15 times

The Tibb Mental/Emotional Breathing Exercise

This exercise is also prescribed for all temperamental types. It creates harmony in the two hemispheres of the brain. Do this exercise early in the morning or late afternoon.

  • Select a protected time and space, free from interruptions.
  • Sit on the floor in a squatting position with hands on thighs or in the ‘lotus’ position, keeping a straight back in both cases. If neither position is possible, then lie on the floor or sit in a comfortable chair,
  • Your right index finger should be used to close the left nostril. Take a long, deep breath through your right nostril, and hold for 15 to 20 seconds,
  • Release the finger closing the nostril and close the right nostril with the right thumb.
  • Breathe out through the left nostril forcefully. This counts as one complete breath.
  • Repeat the same process starting with the opposite nostril.
  • Start by doing 5 breaths, and slowly build up to 10;
  • After completing the exercise, rest for at least 5 minutes in the same position.

The Tibb Fast and Deep Breathing Exercise

This exercise has a heating effect, so is ideal for people with a phlegmatic or melancholic temperament

  • Sit on the floor in a squatting position with hands on thighs or in the ‘lotus’ position, keeping a straight back in both cases. If neither position is possible, then lie on the floor or sit in a comfortable chair,
  • Take slow and deep breaths, breathing in and out through the nose, distending and filling the stomach for about 1 minute only.
  • Then breathe deeper and faster for 3 minutes. This can be extended to 5 minutes as you become more experienced with the exercise.
  • Thereafter, take slow, deep breaths again for 1 minute.

Physical Exercise

  • Exercise on a daily basis will positively affect you.

  • At night a brisk walk after supper is very beneficial.

  • Include in the choice of physical exercise, the Tibb Jogging Exercise:

The Tibb Jogging Exercise

  • Jogging is more intense than walking. It will therefore produce more heat (and dryness) than walking. This exercise is more suited to Phlegmatic and Sanguinous temperaments.
  • Jog on the spot, lifting the knees as high as possible, putting the weight only on the balls of the feet – (prancing). At the same time swing arms in a full circular motion.
  • Start by doing this for 30 seconds building up to 5 minutes.
  • Increase gradually by 30 seconds, to a maximum of 10 minutes per session.


  • Retiring early for 8 hours of sleep and rising before sunrise is advisable to avoid an excess of phlegm.

  • Sleeping during the daytime should be avoided especially 1 hour before sunset as this aggravates the phlegm and leads to heaviness of the head and sinus congestion.

Emotions & Feelings

  • Fear, shyness and depression are the emotional excesses of the phlegmatic temperamental combination and should be managed with breathing and meditation exercises.

  • Actively try and be an atmosphere free from stress fear and worries.

  • The following meditation exercises are advised together with the Tibb Slow and Deep Breathing exercise, the Tibb Heart Meditation Exercise and the Tibb Pineal Body Meditation Exercise.

The Tibb Slow and Deep Breathing Exercise

This exercise has a calming effect and therefore is ideal in meditation exercises for all temperamental types, especially for people with a dominant/sub-dominant bilious temperament.

  • Sit on the floor in a squatting positions with hands on thighs or in the ‘lotus’ position, keeping a straight back in both cases. If neither position is possible, then lie on the floor or sit in a comfortable chair.
  • Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
  • Take slow and deep breaths, breathing out through the nose, distending and filling the stomach.
  • Continue breathing this way for 5 minutes.

The Tibb Heart Meditation

  • Sit in a relaxed state in a calm environment, with your eyes closed.
  • Concentrate on the heart and breathe deeply.
  • Hold breath for a while and breathe out slowly in the same manner.
  • Continue this exercise every day and night before going to bed, for 10 – 15 minutes.

The Tibb Pineal Body Meditation

  • Sit in a relaxed state in a calm environment, with your eyes closed.
  • Concentrate on the area between the eyebrows and breathe deeply.
  • Hold breath for a while and breathe out slowly in the same manner.
  • Continue this exercise for 10 – 15 minutes.


  • Laxatives should be taken to keep the bowels clear.


As coldness is the dominant quality associated with your temperamental combination, an increase in coldness from the Six Lifestyle Factors will negatively affect you to the greatest extent. An increase in moistness and dryness will also affect you, but to a lesser extent, whereas an increase in the quality of heat will have the least negative effect on you.

An increase in coldness can be as a result of:

Early or late winter cold environment
Rainy season cold and moist food and drink
depression and fear excessive sleep and rest
grief irregular elimination of waste
lack of exercise  irregular eating and sleeping habits

The illnesses that this combination are inclined to are those associated with the dominant Phlegmatic Temperament:

Asthma (Phlegmatic) Colds & Flu
Sinusitis  Anaemia
Underactive thyroid Polycystic ovarian syndrome

To a lesser extent this combination will also be inclined to illnesses of the Melancholic  Temperament:

Insomnia Osteo-arthritis
Hyperacidity Constipation
Muscle aches/spasms Flatulence

Health Maintenance through the Lifestyle Factors of Tibb

Good health is achieved by maintaining your ideal temperament. An excess of coldness in each of the lifestyle factors will most negatively affect you and affect you faster than any of the other factors. Be aware of this at all times and control the level of coldness in your body.

Food and Drink

Ideally your combination should eat mostly Hot & Dry foods, followed by Hot & Moist foods, less of Cold & Dry foods, and the least amount of Cold & Moist foods.

Listed below are the four different diet charts

Additional dietary advice:

  • Stick to the above diet especially in cold weather and during winter and autumn.
  • Avoid drinking water, cool drinks or juices during meals. If you have to, drink very little. Preferably drink liquids half an hour before meals OR 1 hour after meals.
  • Drink at least 1-2 litres (4-8 glasses) of lukewarm water per day.
  • Avoid refined foods.
  • Eat simply and avoid eating lots of different types of foods in the same meal.
  • A 15-20 minute brisk walk every day is very beneficial.
  • Avoid cold things, sour things, products containing dairy products, tin foods, processed meats and salads.
  • Fruits must be washed with warm water before eaten.

Environmental Air & Breathing

  • Managing heat levels by wearing appropriate clothing and seeking a warm environment is of utmost importance.

  • If necessary, heat the bedroom with an electric blanket when needed.

  • Recommended breathing exercises include the Tibb Deep Rhythmic breathing, the Tibb Mental/Emotional breathing and the Tibb Fast and Deep breathing exercises:


The Tibb Deep Rhythmic Breathing Exercise

This exercise is prescribed for all temperamental types. Try doing it on a regular basis, preferably in the early morning.

  • Select a protected time and space.
  • Sit on the floor in a squatting position with hands on thighs or in the ‘lotus’ position, keeping a straight back in both cases. If neither position is possible, then lie on the floor or sit in a comfortable chair,
  • Draw a breath through the nose.
  • Hold the breath as long as possible.
  • Gaze upwards, and exhale forcefully through the mouth – the mouth should be opened in an ‘O’ shape.
  • Repeat to a maximum of 15 times


The Tibb Mental/Emotional Breathing Exercise

This exercise is also prescribed for all temperamental types. It creates harmony in the two hemispheres of the brain. Do this exercise early in the morning or late afternoon.

  • Select a protected time and space, free from interruptions.
  • Sit on the floor in a squatting position with hands on thighs or in the ‘lotus’ position, keeping a straight back in both cases. If neither position is possible, then lie on the floor or sit in a comfortable chair,
  • Your right index finger should be used to close the left nostril. Take a long, deep breath through your right nostril, and hold for 15 to 20 seconds,
  • Release the finger closing the nostril and close the right nostril with the right thumb.
  • Breathe out through the left nostril forcefully. This counts as one complete breath.
  • Repeat the same process starting with the opposite nostril.
  • Start by doing 5 breaths, and slowly build up to 10;
  • After completing the exercise, rest for at least 5 minutes in the same position.

The Tibb Fast and Deep Breathing Exercise

This exercise has a heating effect, so is ideal for people with a phlegmatic or melancholic temperament

  • Sit on the floor in a squatting position with hands on thighs or in the ‘lotus’ position, keeping a straight back in both cases. If neither position is possible, then lie on the floor or sit in a comfortable chair,
  • Take slow and deep breaths, breathing in and out through the nose, distending and filling the stomach for about 1 minute only.
  • Then breathe deeper and faster for 3 minutes. This can be extended to 5 minutes as you become more experienced with the exercise.
  • Thereafter, take slow, deep breaths again for 1 minute.

Physical Exercise

  • Exercise on a daily basis will positively affect you.

  • At night a brisk walk after supper is very beneficial.

  • Include in the choice of physical exercise, the Tibb Jogging Exercise:

The Tibb Jogging Exercise

  • Jog on the spot, lifting the knees as high as possible, putting the weight only on the balls of the feet – (prancing). At the same time swing arms in a full circular motion.
  • Start by doing this for 30 seconds building up to 5 minutes.
  • Increase gradually by 30 seconds, to a maximum of 10 minutes per session.


  • Retiring early for 8 hours of sleep and rising before sunrise is advisable to avoid an excess of phlegm.

  • Sleeping during the daytime should be avoided.

Emotions & Feelings

  • Fear, shyness and depression are the emotional excesses of the phlegmatic temperamental combination and should be managed with breathing and meditation exercises.

  • Actively try and be in an atmosphere free from stress fear and worry.

  • The following meditation exercises are advised together with the Tibb Slow and Deep Breathing exercise, the Tibb Heart Meditation Exercise and the Tibb Pineal Body Meditation Exercise.

The Tibb Slow and Deep Breathing Exercise

This exercise has a calming effect and therefore is ideal in meditation exercises for all temperamental types, especially for people with a dominant/sub-dominant bilious temperament.

  • Sit on the floor in a squatting positions with hands on thighs or in the ‘lotus’ position, keeping a straight back in both cases. If neither position is possible, then lie on the floor or sit in a comfortable chair.
  • Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
  • Take slow and deep breaths, breathing out through the nose, distending and filling the stomach.
  • Continue breathing this way for 5 minutes.

The Tibb Heart Meditation

  • Sit in a relaxed state in a calm environment, with your eyes closed.
  • Concentrate on the heart and breathe deeply.
  • Hold breath for a while and breathe out slowly in the same manner.
  • Continue this exercise every day and night before going to bed, for 10 – 15 minutes.

The Tibb Pineal Body Meditation

  • Sit in a relaxed state in a calm environment, with your eyes closed.
  • Concentrate on the area between the eyebrows and breathe deeply.
  • Hold breath for a while and breathe out slowly in the same manner.
  • Continue this exercise for 10 – 15 minutes.


  • Laxatives should be taken to keep the bowels clear.

  • Massage is also advised.


As heat is the dominant quality associated with your temperamental combination, an increase in heat from the Six Lifestyle Factors will negatively affect you to the greatest extent. An increase in moistness and dryness will also affect you, but to a lesser extent, whereas an increase in the quality of coldness will have the least negative effect on you.

An increase in heat can be as a result of:

summer very hot weather
humid environment/weather hot and moist to hot and dry food and drink
anger strenuous exercises
not enough sleep

The illnesses that this combination are inclined to are those associated with the dominant Sanguinous Temperament:

Congestive headache High blood pressure
Diabetes Urinary tract infection
Rheumatoid arthritis Pre-menstrual tension.

To a lesser extent this combination will also be inclined to illnesses of the Bilious Temperament:

Migraine Stress
Bronchitis Overactive thyroid
Hay fever Endometriosis

Health Maintenance through the Lifestyle Factors of Tibb

Good health is achieved by maintaining your ideal temperament. An excess of heat in each of the lifestyle factors will negatively affect you (more than changes in other conditions). Be aware of this at all times and control the level of heat in your body.

Food and Drink

Ideally your combination should eat mostly Cold & Dry foods, followed by Cold & Moist foods, less of Hot & Dry foods, and the least amount of Hot & Moist foods.

Listed below are the four different diet charts

Additional dietary advice:

  • Stick to the above diet especially in summer and spring.
  • This is also an optimal diet if you live in coastal areas.
  • Drink at least 2 litres (8 glasses) of water per day.
  • Avoid refined foods.
  • Eat simply and avoid eating a lot of different types of foods in the same meal.
  • Avoid foods and drinks containing salt as well as fried and processed meats.
  • When emotional or upset, sit down, take a few deep breaths or drink a glass of water.

Environmental Air & Breathing

  •  Keep cool in hot weather and warm in wet weather.
  • Weather, environment, work and leisure activities that increase heat and moistness -especially in humid weather will have a negative effect.
  • Recommended breathing exercises include the Tibb Slow and Deep breathing, Tibb Deep Rhythmic breathing, the Tibb Mental/Emotional breathing exercises:

The Tibb Slow and Deep Breathing Exercise

This exercise has a calming effect and therefore is ideal in meditation exercises for all temperamental types, especially for people with a dominant/sub-dominant bilious temperament.

  • Sit on the floor in a squatting positions with hands on thighs or in the ‘lotus’ position, keeping a straight back in both cases. If neither position is possible, then lie on the floor or sit in a comfortable chair.
  • Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
  • Take slow and deep breaths, breathing out through the nose, distending and filling the stomach.
  • Continue breathing this way for 5 minutes.

The Tibb Deep Rhythmic Breathing Exercise

This exercise is prescribed for all temperamental types. Try doing it on a regular basis, preferably in the early morning.

  • Select a protected time and space.
  • Sit on the floor in a squatting position with hands on thighs or in the ‘lotus’ position, keeping a straight back in both cases. If neither position is possible, then lie on the floor or sit in a comfortable chair,
  • Draw a breath through the nose.
  • Hold the breath as long as possible.
  • Gaze upwards, and exhale forcefully through the mouth – the mouth should be opened in an ‘O’ shape.
  • Repeat to a maximum of 15 times

The Tibb Mental/Emotional Breathing Exercise

This exercise is also prescribed for all temperamental types. It creates harmony in the two hemispheres of the brain. Do this exercise early in the morning or late afternoon.

  • Select a protected time and space, free from interruptions.
  • Sit on the floor in a squatting position with hands on thighs or in the ‘lotus’ position, keeping a straight back in both cases. If neither position is possible, then lie on the floor or sit in a comfortable chair,
  • Your right index finger should be used to close the left nostril. Take a long, deep breath through your right nostril, and hold for 15 to 20 seconds,
  • Release the finger closing the nostril and close the right nostril with the right thumb.
  • Breathe out through the left nostril forcefully. This counts as one complete breath.
  • Repeat the same process starting with the opposite nostril.
  • Start by doing 5 breaths, and slowly build up to 10;
  • After completing the exercise, rest for at least 5 minutes in the same position.

Physical Exercise

  • Inadequate rest and strenuous exercise will negatively affect your temperamental combination
  • Gardening and aerobic exercises are beneficial
  • Yoga is advisable
  • Include in the choice of physical exercises, the Tibb Walking Exercise and the Tibb Jogging Exercise:

The Tibb Walking Exercise

  • Warm up by walking normally, swinging the arms gently. Do this for about 2 minutes initially.
  • Then walk briskly, raising the legs and swinging the arms firmly. Do this for about 5 minutes.
  • Then cool down by walking normally, as in the warmup. Do this for about 2 minutes.
  • Do these exercises daily but increasing the time for each session weekly to a maximum of 25 minutes per session.

The Tibb Jogging Exercise

  • Jog on the spot, lifting the knees as high as possible, putting the weight only on the balls of the feet – (prancing). At the same time swing arms in a full circular motion.
  • Start by doing this for 30 seconds building up to 5 minutes.
  • Increase gradually by 30 seconds, to a maximum of 10 minutes per session.


  • Six to seven hours sound sleep is essential. Early to bed and early to rise is best for everyone but especially for the dominant Sanguinous temperament.
  • Sleeping more than 8 hours or less than 5 hours a night will negatively affect you.

Emotions & Feelings

  • Extreme emotions of worry, anger and excessive excitement are the emotional excesses of your temperamental combination and should be managed with breathing and meditation exercises.
  • A 5 -10-minute relaxation break after lunch is beneficial.
  • The following meditation exercises are advised together with the Tibb Slow and Deep Breathing exercise, the Tibb Heart Meditation Exercise and the Tibb Pineal Body Meditation Exercise.

The Tibb Slow and Deep Breathing Exercise

This exercise has a calming effect and therefore is ideal in meditation exercises for all temperamental types, especially for people with a dominant/sub-dominant bilious temperament.

  • Sit on the floor or chair, with a straight spine.
  • Put your head down, close your eyes, concentrate on the heart and breathe in
  • Hold the breath for a while then breathe out slowly in the same manner.
  • Continue this exercise every day and at night before going to bed, for 10-15 minutes.

The Tibb Heart Meditation

  • Sit in a relaxed state in a calm environment, with your eyes closed.
  • Concentrate on the heart and breathe deeply.
  • Hold breath for a while and breathe out slowly in the same manner.
  • Continue this exercise every day and night before going to bed, for 10 – 15 minutes.

The Tibb Pineal Body Meditation

  • Sit in a relaxed state in a calm environment, with your eyes closed.
  • Concentrate on the area between the eyebrows and breathe deeply.
  • Hold breath for a while and breathe out slowly in the same manner.
  • Continue this exercise for 10 – 15 minutes.


  • A regular high-fibre diet should be adopted to keep your colon clear.
  • Laxatives should be considered.


As coldness is the dominant quality associated with your temperamental combination, an increase in coldness from the Six Lifestyle Factors will negatively affect you to the greatest extent. An increase in moistness and dryness will also affect you, but to a lesser extent, whereas an increase in the quality of heat will have the least negative effect on you.

An increase in coldness can be as a result of:

Early or late winter cold environment
Rainy season cold and moist food and drink
depression and fear excessive sleep and rest
grief irregular elimination of waste
lack of exercise  irregular eating and sleeping habits

The illnesses that this combination are inclined to are those associated with the dominant Melancholic Temperament:

Insomnia Osteo-arthritis
Hyperacidity Constipation
Muscle aches/spasms Flatulence

To a lesser extent this combination will also be inclined to illnesses of the Phlegmatic  Temperament:

Asthma (Phlegmatic) Colds & Flu
Sinusitis  Anaemia
Underactive thyroid Polycystic ovarian syndrome

Health Maintenance through the Lifestyle Factors of Tibb

Good health is achieved by maintaining your ideal temperament. An excess of coldness in each of the lifestyle factors will most negatively affect you and affect you faster than changes in other conditions. Be aware of this at all times and control the level of coldness in your body.

Food and Drink

Ideally your combination should eat mostly Hot & Moist foods, followed by Hot & Dry foods, less of Cold & Moist foods, and the least amount of Cold & Dry foods.

Listed below are the four different diet charts

Additional dietary advice:

  • Stick to the above diet especially in cold weather and during winter and autumn.
  • Avoid drinking water, cool drinks or juices during meals. If you have to, drink very little. Preferably drink liquids half an hour before meals OR 1 hour after meals.
  • Drink at least 1-2 litres (4-8 glasses) of lukewarm water per day.
  • Avoid refined foods.
  • Eat simply and avoid eating lots of different types of foods in the same meal.
  • A 15-20 minute brisk walk every day is very beneficial.
  • Avoid cold things, sour things, products containing dairy products, tin foods, processed meats and salads.
  • Fruits must be washed with warm water before eaten.

Environmental Air & Breathing

  • Weather, environment, work and leisure activities that increase coldness and dryness will negatively affect you.

  • In autumn keep away from the cold of night and the midday heat.

  • Dewy conditions during autumn, late winter and between midnight and 6:00am also aggravates this temperamental combination.

  • Outings or change of environment (picnics, etc.) during times other than those mentioned every 2-3 months is beneficial.

  • Protect yourself from dry weather by applying a moisturizer, cream or oil (olive oil) to the skin.

  • Recommended breathing exercises include the Tibb Deep Rhythmic breathing, the Tibb Mental/Emotional breathing and the Tibb Fast and Deep breathing exercises:


The Tibb Deep Rhythmic Breathing Exercise

This exercise is prescribed for all temperamental types. Try doing it on a regular basis, preferably in the early morning.

  • Select a protected time and space.
  • Sit on the floor in a squatting position with hands on thighs or in the ‘lotus’ position, keeping a straight back in both cases. If neither position is possible, then lie on the floor or sit in a comfortable chair,
  • Draw a breath through the nose.
  • Hold the breath as long as possible.
  • Gaze upwards, and exhale forcefully through the mouth – the mouth should be opened in an ‘O’ shape.
  • Repeat to a maximum of 15 times


The Tibb Mental/Emotional Breathing Exercise

This exercise is also prescribed for all temperamental types. It creates harmony in the two hemispheres of the brain. Do this exercise early in the morning or late afternoon.

  • Select a protected time and space, free from interruptions.
  • Sit on the floor in a squatting position with hands on thighs or in the ‘lotus’ position, keeping a straight back in both cases. If neither position is possible, then lie on the floor or sit in a comfortable chair,
  • Your right index finger should be used to close the left nostril. Take a long, deep breath through your right nostril, and hold for 15 to 20 seconds,
  • Release the finger closing the nostril and close the right nostril with the right thumb.
  • Breathe out through the left nostril forcefully. This counts as one complete breath.
  • Repeat the same process starting with the opposite nostril.
  • Start by doing 5 breaths, and slowly build up to 10;
  • After completing the exercise, rest for at least 5 minutes in the same position.

The Tibb Fast and Deep Breathing Exercise

This exercise has a heating effect, so is ideal for people with a phlegmatic or melancholic temperament

  • Sit on the floor in a squatting position with hands on thighs or in the ‘lotus’ position, keeping a straight back in both cases. If neither position is possible, then lie on the floor or sit in a comfortable chair,
  • Take slow and deep breaths, breathing in and out through the nose, distending and filling the stomach for about 1 minute only.
  • Then breathe deeper and faster for 3 minutes. This can be extended to 5 minutes as you become more experienced with the exercise.
  • Thereafter, take slow, deep breaths again for 1 minute.

Physical Exercise

  • A 10-15-minute walk after supper is beneficial.

  • Yoga is advisable.

  • Include in the choice of physical exercise, the Tibb Jogging Exercise:

The Tibb Jogging Exercise

  • Jog on the spot, lifting the knees as high as possible, putting the weight only on the balls of the feet – (prancing). At the same time swing arms in a full circular motion.
  • Start by doing this for 30 seconds building up to 5 minutes.
  • Increase gradually by 30 seconds, to a maximum of 10 minutes per session.


  • Get to bed early, around 22:00 for 6-8 hours’ sleep.

  • Excessive walking during the night will negatively affect you.

Emotions & Feelings

  • Extreme emotions – excessive worries, sadness, loneliness and overly philosophical thinking are the emotional excesses of this temperamental combination and should be managed with breathing and meditation exercises.

  • A 5-10-minute relaxation break after lunch is beneficial.

  • The following meditation exercises are advised together with the Tibb Slow and Deep Breathing exercise, the Tibb Heart Meditation Exercise and the Tibb Pineal Body Meditation Exercise.

The Tibb Slow and Deep Breathing Exercise

This exercise has a calming effect and therefore is ideal in meditation exercises for all temperamental types, especially for people with a dominant/sub-dominant bilious temperament.

  • Sit on the floor in a squatting positions with hands on thighs or in the ‘lotus’ position, keeping a straight back in both cases. If neither position is possible, then lie on the floor or sit in a comfortable chair.
  • Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
  • Take slow and deep breaths, breathing out through the nose, distending and filling the stomach.
  • Continue breathing this way for 5 minutes.

The Tibb Heart Meditation

  • Sit in a relaxed state in a calm environment, with your eyes closed.
  • Concentrate on the heart and breathe deeply.
  • Hold breath for a while and breathe out slowly in the same manner.
  • Continue this exercise every day and night before going to bed, for 10 – 15 minutes.

The Tibb Pineal Body Meditation

  • Sit in a relaxed state in a calm environment, with your eyes closed.
  • Concentrate on the area between the eyebrows and breathe deeply.
  • Hold breath for a while and breathe out slowly in the same manner.
  • Continue this exercise for 10 – 15 minutes.


  • Laxatives should be taken to keep the bowels clear.

  • Be aware of unnecessary suppression of stools and urine.


As dryness is the dominant quality associated with your temperamental combination, an increase in dryness from the Six Lifestyle Factors will negatively affect you to the greatest extent. An increase in heat and coldness will also affect you, but to a lesser extent, whereas an increase in the quality of moistness will have the least negative effect on you.

An increase in dryness  can be as a result of:

Late winter very hot weather and environment
anger dry food and drink
strenuous exercise grief
irregular eating and sleeping habits  excessive wakening
irregular elimination of wastes

The illnesses that this combination are inclined to are those associated with the dominant Melancholic Temperament:

Insomnia Osteo-arthritis
Hyperacidity Constipation
Muscle aches/spasms Flatulence

To a lesser extent this combination will also be inclined to illnesses of the Bilious  Temperament:

Migraine Stress
Bronchitis Overactive thyroid
Hay fever Endometriosis

Health Maintenance through the Lifestyle Factors of Tibb

Good health is achieved by maintaining your ideal temperament. An excess of dryness in each of the lifestyle factors will most negatively affect you and affect you faster than the other factors. Be aware of this at all times and control the level of dryness in your body.

Food and Drink

Ideally your combination should eat mostly Hot & Moist foods, followed by Cold & Moist foods, less of Hot & Dry foods and the least amount of Cold & Dry foods.

Listed below are the four different diet charts

Additional dietary advice:

  • Stick to the above diet especially in cold weather and during winter and autumn.
  • Avoid drinking water, cool drinks or juices during meals. If you have to, drink very little. Preferably drink liquids half an hour before meals OR 1 hour after meals.
  • Drink at least 2 litres (8 glasses) of water per day.
  • Avoid refined foods.
  • Eat simply and avoid eating lots of different types of foods in the same meal.
  • A 15-20 minute brisk walk every day is very beneficial.
  • Avoid cold things, sour things, products containing dairy products, tin foods, processed meats and salads.
  • Fruits must be washed with warm water before eaten.

Environmental Air & Breathing

  • Weather, environment, work and leisure activities that increase coldness and dryness will negatively affect you.

  • In autumn keep away from the cold of night and the midday heat.

  • Dewy conditions during autumn, late winter and between midnight and 6:00am also aggravates this temperamental combination.

  • Outings or change of environment (picnics, etc.) during times other than those mentioned every 2-3 months is beneficial.

  • Protect yourself from dry weather by applying a moisturizer, cream or oil (olive oil) to the skin.

  • Breathing exercises in the early morning and late afternoon.
  • Recommended breathing exercises include the Tibb Deep Rhythmic breathing, the Tibb Mental/Emotional breathing and the Tibb Fast and Deep breathing exercises:


The Tibb Deep Rhythmic Breathing Exercise

This exercise is prescribed for all temperamental types. Try doing it on a regular basis, preferably in the early morning.

  • Select a protected time and space.
  • Sit on the floor in a squatting position with hands on thighs or in the ‘lotus’ position, keeping a straight back in both cases. If neither position is possible, then lie on the floor or sit in a comfortable chair,
  • Draw a breath through the nose.
  • Hold the breath as long as possible.
  • Gaze upwards, and exhale forcefully through the mouth – the mouth should be opened in an ‘O’ shape.
  • Repeat to a maximum of 15 times


The Tibb Mental/Emotional Breathing Exercise

This exercise is also prescribed for all temperamental types. It creates harmony in the two hemispheres of the brain. Do this exercise early in the morning or late afternoon.

  • Select a protected time and space, free from interruptions.
  • Sit on the floor in a squatting position with hands on thighs or in the ‘lotus’ position, keeping a straight back in both cases. If neither position is possible, then lie on the floor or sit in a comfortable chair,
  • Your right index finger should be used to close the left nostril. Take a long, deep breath through your right nostril, and hold for 15 to 20 seconds,
  • Release the finger closing the nostril and close the right nostril with the right thumb.
  • Breathe out through the left nostril forcefully. This counts as one complete breath.
  • Repeat the same process starting with the opposite nostril.
  • Start by doing 5 breaths, and slowly build up to 10;
  • After completing the exercise, rest for at least 5 minutes in the same position.

The Tibb Fast and Deep Breathing Exercise

This exercise has a heating effect, so is ideal for people with a phlegmatic or melancholic temperament

  • Sit on the floor in a squatting position with hands on thighs or in the ‘lotus’ position, keeping a straight back in both cases. If neither position is possible, then lie on the floor or sit in a comfortable chair,
  • Take slow and deep breaths, breathing in and out through the nose, distending and filling the stomach for about 1 minute only.
  • Then breathe deeper and faster for 3 minutes. This can be extended to 5 minutes as you become more experienced with the exercise.
  • Thereafter, take slow, deep breaths again for 1 minute.

Physical Exercise

  • A 10-15-minute walk after supper is beneficial.

  • Yoga is advisable.

  • Include in the choice of physical exercise, the Tibb Jogging Exercise:

The Tibb Jogging Exercise

  • Jog on the spot, lifting the knees as high as possible, putting the weight only on the balls of the feet – (prancing). At the same time swing arms in a full circular motion.
  • Start by doing this for 30 seconds building up to 5 minutes.
  • Increase gradually by 30 seconds, to a maximum of 10 minutes per session.


  • Get to bed early, around 22:00 for 6-8 hours’ sleep.

  • Excessive walking during the night will negatively affect you.

Emotions & Feelings

  • Extreme emotions – excessive worries, sadness, loneliness and overly philosophical thinking are the emotional excesses of this temperamental combination and should be managed with breathing and meditation exercises.

  • A 5-10-minute relaxation break after lunch is beneficial.

  • The following meditation exercises are advised together with the Tibb Slow and Deep Breathing exercise, the Tibb Heart Meditation Exercise and the Tibb Pineal Body Meditation Exercise.


The Tibb Slow and Deep Breathing Exercise

This exercise has a calming effect and therefore is ideal in meditation exercises for all temperamental types, especially for people with a dominant/sub-dominant bilious temperament.

  • Sit on the floor in a squatting positions with hands on thighs or in the ‘lotus’ position, keeping a straight back in both cases. If neither position is possible, then lie on the floor or sit in a comfortable chair.
  • Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
  • Take slow and deep breaths, breathing out through the nose, distending and filling the stomach.
  • Continue breathing this way for 5 minutes.

The Tibb Heart Meditation

  • Sit in a relaxed state in a calm environment, with your eyes closed.
  • Concentrate on the heart and breathe deeply.
  • Hold breath for a while and breathe out slowly in the same manner.
  • Continue this exercise every day and night before going to bed, for 10 – 15 minutes.

The Tibb Pineal Body Meditation

  • Sit in a relaxed state in a calm environment, with your eyes closed.
  • Concentrate on the area between the eyebrows and breathe deeply.
  • Hold breath for a while and breathe out slowly in the same manner.
  • Continue this exercise for 10 – 15 minutes.


  • Laxatives should be taken to keep the bowels clear.

  • Be aware of unnecessary suppression of stools and urine.

Tibb Online Interview


Please note that booking dates and times are in Local South African Time and are subject to availability. Once a booking is made, we will be in touch to confirm or reschedule a booking as required. Please refer to our consent page before booking – Tibb Online Interview Consent•

*Patient consent to the ‘Tibb Online Interview’ at the Tibb Treatment Centre –
I have read and understand the information provided regarding the ‘Tibb Online Interview’ and therefore, by booking, I hereby give my consent for the ‘Tibb Online Interview’.

x 45 Min(s)
