Book an Online Interview with one of our Tibb Doctors:

Holistic Tibb Approach
Temperamental Evaluation
Lifestyle Assessment & Management
Personalised Lifestyle Programme
One on one discussion with qualified and experienced Tibb Practitioner

COST: R180.00 (Approx. $10)

Any queries or technical issues can be emailed to:

The Tibb Online Interview is intended for anyone who is unable to physically consult at our Tibb Treatment Center in Cape Town or a local Tibb Practitioner



To streamline and gain maximum benefit from the interview session, the individual needs to be aware of the concepts in Tibb, and therefore we recommend first completing our etibb course – Tibb Healthy Living (Tibb Online Interview is included after successful completion of the course).


Alternatively, please read a brief overview of the holistic approach of Tibb found in our Tibb Treatment Flyer.

Tibb Online Interview Process

  • Prior to your Tibb Online Interview, you are required to complete both a Temperamental Evaluation and a Lifestyle Assessment. This will assist in determining your temperamental combination and provide an overview of which lifestyle factors are contributing to disturbing the homeostasis within the body and causative in the development of imbalances.
  • During the Tibb Online Interviewsession we will be able to confirm your temperamental combination and provide Lifestyle Management as per the outcome of the interview. We will then discuss in more detail your Personalised Lifestyle Program based on your temperamental combination.
  • Should you require any additional supportive treatment, we will recommend booking a consultation at the Tibb Treatment Centre or with a local Tibb practitioner.
  • Please complete each tab which will guide you through the temperamental evaluation, lifestyle assessment, and booking
  • Please note*
    • All information submitted will be handled with confidentiality
    • Booking dates and times are in Local South African Time and are subject to availability

Temperament is a combination of a person’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual side. Although each person is as unique as his/her fingerprint, Tibb divides people into four broad categories, Sanguinous, Phlegmatic, Melancholic and Bilious with respective qualities of heat, coldness, moistness, and dryness. Whilst each person has attributes of all four temperamental types, every person has a dominant temperament, a sub-dominant temperament, less of the third and the least amount of the fourth temperament.

The picture adjacent describes temperament and qualities and illustrates that a person with a combination of a Sanguinous/Bilious temperament will have an overall dominant quality of heat less of moistness and dryness and the least amount of coldness. Similarly, the Phlegmatic/Melancholic temperament will have an overall dominant quality of coldness, less of moistness and dryness and the least amount of heat.

Therefore, each individual has an overall qualitative state made-up of the four qualities with one dominant quality and an opposite least quality. Changes to this ideal qualitative state of an individual especially an increase in the dominant quality will have a negative effect on the individual’s health whereas an increase in the opposite least quality will be beneficial.

As heat is the dominant quality associated with the Sanguinous/Bilious combination, an excess of heat will negatively affect this individual the most and to the greatest extent. Similarly, an excess of coldness will negatively affect an individual with a Phlegmatic/Melancholic temperamental combination. This is easy to understand knowing that a person with a Sanguinous/Bilious temperament is uncomfortable during summer and having spicy foods whereas the Phlegmatic/Melancholic person needs an extra jersey to keep warm during winter.

Being aware of the dominant quality of a person’s temperamental combination allows individuals to make positive choices in lifestyle that will be beneficial to their health with an improved Quality of Life. The practice of Tibb revolves around the art and skill of identifying a person’s individual temperamental combination and adhering to a Personalised Lifestyle Programme for optimum health and wellbeing.

Having provided the above information about the four temperamental types, listed below is a table that can be completed, to identifying an individual’s or your dominant and sub-dominant temperament. When completing the table, the following needs to be noted:

  • Remember each person is a combination of all four temperaments, with a dominant/sub-dominant temperament – next to each other.
  • Physical appearance should be as in the early 20’s – as age and certain medication (cortisone) can change physical appearance.
  • Do not confuse habits with tendencies. Certain habits may be acquired due to circumstances.
  • Personality and Emotional traits are important criteria and should be noted whilst being relaxed, and also how friends and family members see and know you.
  • When determining your temperament, base it on how you really are and not how you wish you were.
  • Please provide an answer for each specific category, choosing the single best answer for your temperament.
  • The column containing the most ticks is the dominant temperament whereas the column with the second most ticks will be the sub-dominant temperament.
Temperamental Evaluation Form

Temperamental Evaluation Form

Please provide an answer for every category, choosing the single best option for your temperament











*Please note:
The column with the most ticks is your dominant temperament & the column with the second most ticks is your sub-dominant temperament
Lifestyle Assessment Form

Lifestyle Assessment Form

Dominant Temperament
Sub-Dominant Temperament

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Tibb Online Interview


Please note that booking dates and times are in Local South African Time and are subject to availability. Once a booking is made, we will be in touch to confirm or reschedule a booking as required. Please refer to our consent page before booking – Tibb Online Interview Consent•

*Patient consent to the ‘Tibb Online Interview’ at the Tibb Treatment Centre –
I have read and understand the information provided regarding the ‘Tibb Online Interview’ and therefore, by booking, I hereby give my consent for the ‘Tibb Online Interview’.

x 45 Min(s)
