Reference Books
4 Temperaments
6 Lifestyle Factors
Written by Prof Rashid Bhikha, was published in January 2006, with huge success. It is an interesting and motivating read aimed at the consumer and gives clear, explicit instructions on how to identify ones temperament, as well as offering individualised lifestyle programmes for each temperament. Beautifully laid out, with a wealth of information on the health science of Tibb and the impact which all aspects of lifestyle has on health, this book is a must-have for every home.
Healing with Tibb
“Healing with Tibb”, provides consumers with a comprehensive overview of the Tibb philosophy with the aim of empowering individuals to better maintain health and manage illness conditions using appropriate lifestyle factors. This detailed yet easy to grasp publication has been designed for individuals without a medical background to better understand the key concepts of Temperament-Your Uniqueness; and its relationship to the predisposition of illness conditions; as well as Physis- the body’s innate ability to self-heal, and how each individual can support Physis to achieve internal harmony.
The causes of illnesses and the rationale behind treatment from the Tibb perspective are explored in-depth, with discussion centering around the qualitative nature of disease. Readers are given insight on how lifestyle factors appropriate to each individual as well as to specific illness conditions can help restore and managing health. The book offers a wealth of invaluable information and includes 50 common illness conditions. It provides readers with an overview of each condition, the Tibb understanding on that disease, and its management, using medication and regimental therapies where necessary, but focusing on diet and Lifestyle Factors.
Cooking for your Body Type
Everyday Meals to suit your Temperament
Our second book,” Cooking for Your Body Type – Everyday Meals to suit your Temperament” is aimed at the consumer. Not only is this popular recipe book a gastronomical delight it also provides valuable insight into the philosophy of Tibb and the importance of eating correctly to suit your individual constitution.
Theoretical Principles
of Tibb
In keeping with the Institute’s primary objective of promoting the training and practice of Tibb, the Institute has uploaded its latest e-book titled “Theoretical Principles of Tibb” for free download. The book provides a comprehensive overview of the philosophy, aetiology, pathology, diagnosis and treatment. This reference book can be a primary source in the training of Unani-Tibb doctors as well as medical professionals trained in Western medicine, wishing to integrate the principles of Tibb into their current practice.
The book was reviewed by international experts as listed below:
“The author has made tremendous effort to collate information on Tibb in a systematic manner which will definitely benefit not only health care professionals from Conventional Systems and allied healthcare workers, but also become a handy reference book for practitioners of Tibb (Unani System of Medicine)”. Dr. Ghazala Javed, Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine (CCRUM), Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (AYUSH), Government of India
“The work is excellent to put forth the knowledge of this centuries old medical science to the present medical world”. Prof. M M Wamiq Amin, Dean, Faculty of Unani Medicine, Aligarh Muslim University, India
“The book reveals philosophical aspects of Tibb, especially the concept of Tibb and holism, and should be of interest to anyone wanting to explore the history and philosophy of Tibb”. Prof. Hakim Abdul Hannan/Prof. Tasneem Qureshi, Faculty of Eastern Medicine, Hamdard University, Pakistan
“The beauty of this book is that in a concise manner, the basic principles, preclinical and therapeutic information, which was spread over multiple books, has been documented in a single book in well-organized and systematic chapters”. Prof. Shakir Jamil, Jamia Hamdard University, India; Former Director General of the Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine.